Custom Aquariums and Fish Keeping
News and Comprehensive articles about Custom Aquariums and Fish Keeping
Installing a Custom Glass Aquarium – Day 2: Filtration
Day 2: Filtration Here is the second day of our 450 gallon custom tank build. If you haven't yet, please check out our previous post where we placed this 1500lb tank onto the stand. Today
Blue Hippo Tang
Blue Hippo Tang The Blue Hippo Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) is also known as the Regal Blue Tang, Regal Tang, Blue Surgeonfish, palette surgeonfish, blue tang, flagtail surgeonfish, Pacific regal blue tang, Yellow-tail Tang, Hepatus Tang, Blue Palette Tang,
Installing a Custom Glass Aquarium – Day 1: The Tank Arrives
Day 1: The Tank Arrives One of the most difficult things to do in our business is get some of these larger than life aquariums delivered and placed correctly in the customer's home. Today we
The Nitrogen Cycle in an Aquarium
The Nitrogen Cycle in an Aquarium One of the most important, and often overlooked, aspects of an aquarium is managing the nitrogen cycle (sometimes also called the biological cycle). Most new hobbyists do
Best magnet to clean aquarium glass
Best magnet to clean aquarium glass So you want an easier way to clean your aquarium do you? Well, aquarium magnets could be just the thing for you. Here we will review products to find